Sustainable infos, tips, people and addresses
in Tampere and Pirkanmaa region.
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Join us for the Sustainable and Impact Club events
I’m very happy to welcome you at the Sustainability and Impact Club!! The Club is supported by Tampere Universities, Y-Kampus and the Continuous Learning department. All meetings are free and open to non-students. Mondays and Tuesdays meetings have the same content but are offered in 2 (…)

Sustainability and Impact Club Creation with Tampere Universities
A great journey is starting!! With the active participation of students, I’m in charge of creating a Sustainability and Impact Club. Our meetings are happening at Y-Kampus facilities in TAMK campus and Keskusta campus. The Sustainability and Impact Club’s intention is: – to involve students (…)

Sustainable Christmas gifts: please re-use
One of the best thing in Finland are the second hand shops. Name it Fida, Red Cross or small "kirppis" shops in town. These shops are nice and just like any other. Take your time, explore everything and you will for sure find treasures there for your next Christmas gifts!! A few events are (…)

Sustainable Fashion Shops
In the heart of Tampere Seele is offering a beautiful selection of Finnish organic clothing, as locally produced as possible. It can be expensive but it definitely last longer. For lovers of Finnish design, Miela (picture) is a shop hosting about 20-30 local brands, some of them being 100% (…)

Beauty and well-being
In a few years, organic products have become more mainstream and can be found in many places like Sokos, Stockman, Prisma... Make sure to check well the compositions of the products and remember that "natural" doesn’t necessarily means "organic". All these cosmetics are imported from France, (…)

Nice tips from Visit Tampere’s team
Tampere is known as a city of hard work and very social past (social in the sense of cooperative and orientated towards the well-being of all). It’s also a city where lots of Finns would love to live because it’s not too big, not too small, quiet, exciting and surrounded by nature. I’d love (…)

Sustainable Fashion Finnish Brands
Arela was created in 2006 by Maija Arela who’s till running it with her two daughters. They "use only the best natural materials and pride ourselves on the durability of our garments. Collections are produced in skilled hands of trusted professionals in Nepal, Latvia, China and Finland." Globe (…)

Tampere, a city towards sustainability
It’s true that living conditions in Tampere are amazing. We have clean air, fresh and pure water, and the forest very accessible. But still, there is a lot to do to make Tampere a real sustainable city with shared resources, circular economy, urban gardening, farmers markets, affordable healthy (…)