In a few years, organic products have become more mainstream and can be found in many places like Sokos, Stockman, Prisma... Make sure to check well the compositions of the products and remember that "natural" doesn’t necessarily means "organic".
All these cosmetics are imported from France, Sweden, Latvia, Germany... As far as I know, only Frantsila is offering organic cosmetics made in Finland in their Hämeenkyrö’s farms.
Downtown Tampere, Ruohonjuuri is the place to get proper advises about any kind of organic cosmetics. They also sell vegan food, dry food (pasta, rice, flours, spices, chocolates).
3 hair dressers are using 100% natural products for your precious sustainable hair style.
– > Shanti and Oranssi were pioneers.
– > Havu
– > Kide
– > Kookos
– > Tintin
This article is in progress, feel free to contact me to suggest more.