Sustainable infos, tips, people and addresses
in Tampere and Pirkanmaa region.

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Public discussion about the climate reform

Join the public discussion about the climate reform! It’s happening at Metso, the main library, room Lehmus on Jan 27th, 18:00-19h30. The opening of this session about climate change reform is given by Elina Vaara, special adviser at the Minister of Environment. Then speeches will be given (…)

Climat Crisis coffee time

"Would you like someone to discuss climate issues and worry with? Welcome to the Climate Cafe of Extinction Rebellion Tampere! The Climate Cafe is both a place for XR Tampere actives to spend time in the spirit of regenerative culture, and also a place for new people who are interested in the (…)

SOS - Sustainability Open Space

Tampere Universities students are welcome to join the first meeting of the Sustainability Open Space happening at TAMK on January 27th, 2020, Learning Lab, room B3-08, from 15:00 to 17:00. SOS aims to make the students community more sustainable. The event will happen every last Monday of (…)

Smart City week

The "Smart everything" is a concept reflecting a very specific attitude towards climate change crisis. The perspective here is to decouple the resources needed for high-tech from biodiversity and natural resources depletion. This means that the Smart everythin makers (Smart cities, centralized (…)

Meet Dora Tkalec: Permaculture, the future of sustainable communities

This topic discussion and movie session is organized by the Sustainability and Impact Club of Tampere Universities with Y-Kampus and the Continuous Learning project. Dora Tkalec, a permaculture expert from Croatia, is joining the Sustainability and Impact Club at Tampere University this (…)

The Suomanifesti

The Suomanifesti People’s Movement is carrying on the Peat Extraction Manifesto They are holding an event will hold an information event on Tuesday 21.1.2020 at 17.15-19.00 in the Laikun Music Hall in Tampere to discuss the restoration of mires and hear the latest climate news from the (…)

Our digital existence: meet Julien Da

This topic discussion is organized by the Sustainability and Impact Club of Tampere Universities with Y-Kampus and the Continuous Learning project. Julien Da, IT specialist, is joining this Thursday the Sustainability and Impact Club at Y-Kampus TAMK to share about our digital existence and (…)

Climat Crisis coffee time

Extinction Rebellion (or XR, Elokapina in Finnish) is "a global environmental movement using non violent civil disobedience to compel government action to avoid tipping points in the climate system, biodiversity loss, and the risk of social and ecological collapse." (Wikipedia) As a (…)

Join us for the Sustainable and Impact Club events

I’m very happy to welcome you at the Sustainability and Impact Club!! The Club is supported by Tampere Universities, Y-Kampus and the Continuous Learning department. All meetings are free and open to non-students. Mondays and Tuesdays meetings have the same content but are offered in 2 (…)

Meet Siiri Enoranta: imagining a sustainable future

This talk is organized by the Sustainability and Impact Club of Tampere Universities with Y-Kampus and the Continuous Learning project. What does it mean to write fiction when so many eco-systems are collapsing? How can we imagine a new world? How can we deal with all these new fears? These (…)

A healthy fair

Over a hundred seminars, workshops and guided classes will give you a full package of new energy for the new year. During these 2 days, you’ll get familiar with vegan and gluten free food, as well as yoga or tai-chi sessions, lectures about tree hugging and self development. It’s happening (…)

An intellectual approach to climate change

An intellectual approach to climate change solutions through 3 different angles (all in Finnish). 1) BIOS project which is Research Unit about the Ecological Reconstruction (PhD Tere Vadén) 2)Economy and ecological crisis (basic income researcher Johanna Perkiö) 3) "An Ethical Guide to (…)

The Vegan Challenge Tour arrives in Tampere!

Are you a meat-fish-cheese-eggs eater and you understand that it’s enough and you could eat more veggies? Are you already slowing down with animals food but willing to find more inspiration because soya taste always like cupboard to you? Are you curious to see what’s really possible on a (…)

Nature lovers, how will you be heard in 2020?

The Luonto-Liiton Hämeen piiri (Finnish Wildlife Association) is one of the most important environmental protection association. They are having their meeting to define strategies and actions next week. Anybody can attend, member or not. Coffee and Tea will be served. It’s on January 7th, (…)

Community Canvas – a tool for building communities

This event is free and organized by Changemakers Tampere at Tribe. We are all aware that hard capitalism has destroyed our sense of community by placing interest and trade at the core of almost everything. So, it’s extremely important to get more and more familiar with a sense of community and (…)

Music increases empathy and that’s sustainable!

As I often say, sustainability is not only about doing great stuff but it’s also (and very much) about caring, sharing, healing, developing more focus and empathy. So for once, I wanted to share about the beautiful program of the Tampere Chamber Music festival happening this January. During 4 (…)

Sustainability and Impact Club meeting: you can join now!

Info-meeting happening on Dec 17th, 12:00-13:30, at Y-Kampus facilities in TAMK campus (Paja room). Organic snacks will be served. I’m happy to answer your questions, introduce the Club activities, the curriculum and the agenda for 2020. It will be also an opportunity to strengthen our (…)

Vegan pastries

You can find delicious fresh vegan pastries at the Vegekauppa and there is a special sale happening on Sat. Dec 14th between noon and 4pm. They also sell pastries in cardboard boxes (you can bring your own box if you wish). A more detailed menu will be shared on the FB page of the event. (…)

Climate crisis: towards extinction (and what to do about it)

I have already introduced Extinction Rebellion and the Climate Crisis Coffee times they organize every Thursday, so no need to repeat. During 1 hour this week, at Tampereen yliopiston Päätalo, luentosali A3, members of EX will give an overview of the climate change crisis problem, and then (…)

Sustainable Christmas

Supermarkets are making an little effort for Christmas. Big choice of fair trade and organic coffees and elves red hats in organic cotton... Check here to find out where to buy organic food in Tampere.

Climat Crisis coffee time

Extinction Rebellion (or XR, Elokapina in Finnish) is "a global environmental movement using non violent civil disobedience to compel government action to avoid tipping points in the climate system, biodiversity loss, and the risk of social and ecological collapse." (Wikipedia) As a (…)

Sustainability and Impact Club Creation with Tampere Universities

A great journey is starting!! With the active participation of students, I’m in charge of creating a Sustainability and Impact Club. Our meetings are happening at Y-Kampus facilities in TAMK campus and Keskusta campus. The Sustainability and Impact Club’s intention is: – to involve students (…)

Sustainable lunch at TAMK: continuing launching the Sustainability and Impact Club

I’m very happy to announce that the sustainable lunch is evolving and continuing next week at the University campus in town. Last week, Tampere Universities community welcomed a first lunch at Y-Kampus / TAMK with the support of the Continuous Learning dpt. But since students come and go, it’s (…)

A fish can think, yes (a lecture)

Life on Earth manifests itself in countless different forms. In their habitats, plants, animals, fungi and microbes form complex networks and ecosystems that are vital to human survival and well-being. As part of nature, we are completely dependent on the diversity and well-being of ecosystems. (…)

Sustainability and Impact Club meeting

This meeting is happening at Y-Kampus facilities in TAMK campus (Paja room) and organic snacks will be served. The Sustainability and Impact Club’s intention is: – to involve students in sustainable challenges (with credits) sponsored by companies with final outcomes shared broadly, – to (…)

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