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Where can we find local organic food in Tampere? (updated)

This article presents my research about the followings: – Where can we buy fresh organic and / or local food in Tampere – Joining an existing group / piiri to buy organic food in Tampere – Buying in bulk online – Labels, agencies – More... restaurants selection... reduce food waste... (…)

Special foodies - Fujimi ravintola - Tampere amazing restaurants series (2)

Wonderful sushi and vegetarian options here! Because well, sometimes I wonder if Tampere is an annex of Japan. It’s still a medium size city but there are so many sushi places. Every 500m, bam, sushi. And almost all supermarkets have now a sushi bar. So, problem? Yeah, problem. These sushi are (…)

Pizza perjantai

It’s time for pizza and early birds get a nice discount 🙂 Check 456 Degrees FB page on regular basis. If you’re new to Tampere, Peter’s shiny trailer is often in Tahmela, at the market place and his pizzas are delicious. He’s using : ✔️ Homemade organic dough from Finnish flour ✔️ Organic (…)

Special foodies - Kajo ravintola - Tampere amazing restaurants series (1)

There is a place in Tampere that is much more than what it seems and it’s all about local and sustainable food. I thought it was one of those fancy places, you know, coldly elegant. I thought it was inspired by hype Helsinki’s vibe - with all respect. But hey, I’m exploring new stuff in my (…)

Good organic bread in town

I love good bread, don’t you? Maybe it’s my French side. Or my Italian one. Whatever, I love good bread. But finding good organic bread in Tampere has been mission impossible since a little while. By good I mean: crispy but soft at the same time, with different options, and that can stay in (…)

Wild Food Culinary Foraging Adventure

Would you like to be able to recognise edible plants and wild vegetables in natural forest environment, reconnect to nature, follow a more ecological lifestyle, or learn how to use or prepare meals with wild plants? Then you are in the right place! Fb page to follow their events in Tahmela and (…)

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