Environmental groups Elokapina Tampere / Extinction Rebellion Tampere, Suomanifesti, Friends of the Earth Tampere, Fridays for Future Tampere ja Greenpeace Tampere organise a demonstration, where we demand the City of Tampere to:
1. Acknowledge that burning biomass and peat in energy production is harmful for the environment and biodiversity. Tampereen sähkölaitos and the city of Tampere should stop marketing this as a sustainable way to produce energy.
2. Investigate and report how and when the district heating can be produced without burning biomass and peat.
We gather together to demonstrate on Saturday 29.1. at Keskustori, from where we march to the vicinity of the Naistenlahti power plant. At the destination there will be talks, program, art and food service.
🔥 WHY?
Tampere is marketing itself as a carbon neutral city by 2030, but in reality these goals are not going to be reached. The biggest source of emissions is district heating. The new Naistenlahti3 unit, which opens in 2022 still continues burning peat and wood chip.
Talks about carbon neutrality and climate sustainability appear to be just greenwashing. The coal from burning wood will only be compensated after decades. The demand for wood chips sustains harmful forestry practices, which are harming biodiversity.
The scenarios about possible alternatives to burning reported by Tampereen Sähkölaitos include geothermal heating, small-scale nuclear power and carbon capture and storage, but still rely on burning chips at least during the winter, and none of these are actually planned being taken into use.
As citizens of Tampere, we demand that the city of Tampere immediately investigates when and how it will get rid of burning as the energy source of district heating.
We adhere to the ongoing corona restrictions and recommend the use of a face mask. Please do not attend if you feel sick or have been exposed. Let’s also take care of hand hygiene and safe distances.
Safer space rules are followed during the event. Any forms of discrimination are prohibited. It’s possible that at the city center some outsiders may use harassing language towards demonstrators.
Keskustori can be reached via both tram and several bus lines. The distance to Naistenlahti is approximately 2 km. Nearest bus stop at the destination is Naistenlahden kylpylä. Near Keskustori there are free toilets in Kirjastonpuisto and Kultturitalo Laikku. There are multiple cafes on the way. In Lapinniemi there are toilets at Kahvila Ansari and Lapinniemen kylpylä, that might require a fee.
Welcome to join us! Please dress warmly according to the weather.
Please check further details and follow our announcements on the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/332683095048891