Sustainable infos, tips, people and addresses
in Tampere and Pirkanmaa region.
Explore the site. Enter key words.

He’s back :)
As an (half) Italian emigrate here in Tampere, you have to chose when it comes to pizzeria: or go rogue and forget even the tiniest memory of what a good pizza tastes like and go with the flow, eat over fat, over greasy, over everything crap presented as "pizza" (including ananas/makkara (…)

Wasteland or human biodiversity
If you’re an emigrant here in Tampere coming from South Europe, Middle East, Asia, Africa, South America, Canada, USA, well any place except Switzerland and Scandinavia (with all respect), I’m sure you are sensitive to the uniformity of the urban space. Compared to other small - medium - biiig (…)

A carbon neutral solar sauna, 100kg of bread and an eco-village
Solar Fire Concentration is an engineering company created in Tampere in 2012, doing solar thermal development through humanitarian projects with After years of development, 3 great events happened since the beginning of 2020 and it’s worth sharing here as these last 6 months have (…)

Ethics at the core of the business model
This article was also published on Oxygen 2050’s site (association of impact and sustainable entrepreneurs based in Helsinki). This text was inspired by the Responsible Business Research Seminar organized by Tampere University and the Responsible Management research group on March 12th. The (…)

The Circular Economy Club of Tampere opening event!
Isn’t great?! "CEC Tampere is open to everyone interested in the transition to a circular economy. We’ll be the diverse community and platform to citizens, entrepreneurs, established companies, startups, students, academics and all others to discuss circular economy and help in solving (…)

Introduction to beekeeping
Beekeeping is both fascinating and challenging: working with bees and producing honey require diverse knowledge and skills. Welcome to learn, how beekeeping can be started, how one can succeed in it and in which ways it is possible to fail. Teachers Pieta and Immo Hyvärinen are small-scale (…)

Planning for more mökki time or outdoor holidays in Finland? It’s wise to support local quality.
Thanks a lot Marcus Grunewald for your great article introducing great family businesses and impact entrepreneurs of Finland!! As the Corona crisis demonstrated, international supply chains are fragile. Therefore, it makes sense to nourish the local businesses and the people behind them - even (…)

Infinited Fiber: Open House
I’m SO enthusiastic about this company who can create a true revolution in fashion by recycling fiber infinitely. That’s the claim and I think it’s one of the most exciting in the region in my opinion. If you remember, last winter, on Independence Day, the Interior Minister Maria Ohisalo (…)

Making Tampere Universities more sustainable: check out the amazing student’s works
The Sustainability and Impact Club is happy to share the outcomes of the sustainable challenges taken by the participants. We hope you’ll enjoy that as much as we enjoyed working on it :) From key tips to make the student’s experience more sustainable with the Eko Tuni Handbook to a (…)

What do we need to grow food at home? How can we grow food in our local urban spaces? Join the monthly meeting of the Changemakers Tampere with an exciting theme: Regenerate - A Start-Up panel on growing food at home. The speakers are Vivian Leung, heading Food Techies: a Food StartUp (…)

Sustainability Open Space, Sustainable Lifestyle
A message from Robert Stewart Jr: "I am happy to once again invite you to our next and last Sustainability Open Space session of the semester, May 18th, starting at 3 pm. With sustainability entering the mainstream, we all begin to wonder, how can we transition to a sustainable lifestyle? How (…)

Impact tea time podcast - All about change
What’s blocking or accelerating change? Many think that the covid-19 crisis can also be an accelerator of change towards a more fair and sustainable society. If you’d like to share about this topic, join us for a positive vibes Impact Tea Time at 4pm on Zoom. This initiative is open to all (…)

Sustainability Open Space
How has the COVID-19 global pandemic changed the world? What consequences have there been to society, the global economy, and the environment? What will it look like after the recovery, globally and locally? Come and join us and explore different perspectives on the sustainability challenges and (…)

Impact tea time - Can impact business really disrupt the system?
Hello delicious friends! If you’re willing to discover entrepreneurs expressing their values through a service to society, join us for a positive vibes Impact Tea Time at 4pm on Zoom. We’ll share about transformative enterprise as a powerful resource of impact on society. Click here to (…)

Sustainability and leadership: Saara Kankaanrinta
This public lecture is organized online by the Leadership for Change Master’s program of Tampere University. It is the last out of three inspiring lectures related to sustainability and everyone is more than welcome! What have you always wanted to ask a professional? Get ready to roast, as the (…)

Purpose of business, the POWder adventure – a health revolution?
This impact entrepreneur meeting is organized by the Sustainability and Impact Club of Tampere Universities with Y-Kampus and the Continuous Learning project. Mikko Revonniemi, co-founder of Four Sigmatic who raised last year $5.4M to market mushroom drinks. He’s joining us this Friday to (…)

Podcast: Shaking traditions in Finland
Sepia Agency is happy to initiate a series of podcasts focused on sustainability and impact in Tampere and Pirkanmaa. "Shaking traditions in Finland" is an online discussion with Finnish social and impact entrepreneurs happening during Skoll Forum week 2020 #CollectiveStrength This (…)

Motivated students: sustainable creativity
Hi delicious friends! I want to briefly share here about one of the interesting things that happened during the Sustainability and Impact Club’s first session (January-February 2020). We knew that during session 2 all students would choose a big challenge and work on it to solve an important (…)

How can we survive the apocalypse by telling stories?
When I was a child, I grew up listening to stories about the end of the world. Because of that, the idea of Jesus Christ has always been attached to his return, by which I would lose everything that is material for my existence, I’d suffer and I’d be judged for my sins for the eternity. To (…)

Eco smile
As we know, small daily actions have an impact as well. Have you ever thought about your toothbrush? Did you know that "Back in the 1960s, the (Finnish) family would go to the sauna once a week and brush their teeth with the same brush"? Just before the isolation, one of the Sustainability and (…)

Impact tea time - Dynamic compassion
Hello delicious friends! If you’re willing to discover environmentalists expressing their values as activists, entrepreneurs or artists, join us for a positive vibes Impact Tea Time today at 4pm on Zoom. We’ll share about compassion as a powerful resource to transform any kind of environment. (…)

Collective Strength! Tampere joins the Skoll Forum
I want to push forward the spirit of impact and social entrepreneurship in Tampere and that’s why I’m organizing a Shaking Traditions in Finland event next week. It’s happening on March 31st and it’s part of the Skoll Forum for Social Entrepreneurs eco-system. This year Skoll Forum happens (…)

Caring economy event
This on-line event is organized by Oxygen 2050, a great association based in Helsinki (but who cares nowadays?) willing to change the business culture in Finland. The event is happening on-line on April 6th, from 5pm to 7pm. Read their website here: "Mother nature (…)

The Sustainability and Impact Club is now on-line
The students and participants of the Club hosted at Y-Kampus and funded by the Continuous Learning project in TAMK are happy to share their new on-line platform!! Here you can read about the creative first challenges taken by the students since January, learn more about our upcoming events and (…)

We are closing doors but we aren’t closing down.
Friends, We are asked to stay home, keep our distance and be cautious. In Finland, the people and the government are very reasonable, decades of crazy capitalism haven’t washed away their concern about the common good and the way they care. I’ve learned from my 8 years in Finland, that (…)