Sustainable infos, tips, people and addresses
in Tampere and Pirkanmaa region.

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Forest immersion - 25 min from Tampere

If you’re willing to relax in the forest and learn more about natural food, this event is for you. It’s on Oct 5th and it all starts at 9:15 am and it’s all about identifying boletus and chanterelles, and also learning how to cook and conserve same during winter time. After a light snack with (…)

Tampere’s citizen’s day

If you can make it, it’s important to join this event and make your voice count by suggesting more sustainable practices for Tampere and discovering interesting initiatives. It’s happening on October 1st, from 3pm to 7pm in Tampere Talo (all information here). According to the program page (…)

Nyt!... Now! Take action

You are, we are, way more powerful than you think. "The sea level rises. So do we." It was Earth Strike this morning in Tampere. Thank you organizers, kids, teens, students, full classes with teachers and few older people. Don’t (…)

Get a green waffle

To conclude the Earth Strike Week, the Green Party (Vihreät) is offering vegan waffles and nice insight to make Tampere more sustainable. Enjoy the waffle and the nice discussion Sat 28/09 in Keskustori, Jugendtori, 12:00-15:00.

Community Supported Agriculture... what’s that?

CSA means Community Supported Agriculture. As you know, a farmer’s harvest depends on the weather. Not only but mostly. And it has always been hard for farmers to anticipate the quality of harvest, and the amount of clients.CSA was created to mitigate the risks for farmers. I have found here a (…)

Stream Festival, it’s all about impact!

In a week from now, Stream Festival Tampere is happening. This year, everything is focused on impact. We are going to brainstorm, question and define impact all day, start ups are going to network, meet, rise and hopefully take the next steps toward a sustainable future. I’m happy to be a (…)

Hinku... what’s that?

The city of Ylöjärvi is joining the Hinku network. Citizens are welcome to join, understand what Hinku is and share their ideas. Hinku is an umbrella name for carbon neutral cities where public servants, industries, experts and people are working towards CO2 reduction. These cities are (…)

Earth Strike is now

It’s serious guys, it’s earth strike week from Sept. 20th to Sept. 27th. Strike has a long history for humans. Since the industrial age, every time we want to change things, strike is the powerful tool. As long as you are in the race, no matter what you say, people around may listen but hey, (…)

Starting an organic and local food group in 2020

Rekola organic farm is ready to deliver organic biodynamic vegetables weekly when we are enough people interested We were not enough to start in Autumn 2019 but if we’re enough, it could start in July 2020 with a delivery point in Tampere. This delivery point could be Tribe, close to Torni (…)

Impact start-up: join +impact accelerator

Business as usual wont help solve climate change if not that would be done already, isn’t? Hundreds of impact and social entrepreneurs are currently tackling key challenges in their own country or abroad with new ideas, new spirit, new tech or not, new approaches. In Finland, this movement is (…)

Papu: peek and pop up

In Nokia, this week Papu has a Pop Up shop open this week on Friday Sept 20th, 12-19, and Saturday Sept. 21th, klo 10-16. The address is Pirkkalaistori 1. Old models, super discount and great garments to find! Papu is a Finnish organic clothing brand. They are sharing openly about their (…)

Pete’s organic pizza’s

Take a cool guy (must be a great cook though). Add a converted vintage horse trailer. Name it "Raffaele" – the trailer, not the cook. Use as much as local and organic ingredients. Heat up to 456° degrees. And you have... Pete and his amazing pizza’s! Pete created 456 degrees in (…)

Sustainable Fashion Shops

In the heart of Tampere Seele is offering a beautiful selection of Finnish organic clothing, as locally produced as possible. It can be expensive but it definitely last longer. For lovers of Finnish design, Miela (picture) is a shop hosting about 20-30 local brands, some of them being 100% (…)

Mix&Match #Sustainability

Organized at Tribe, the Mix&Match networking events serie is coming up on various impact fields. The first one in on Sept. 18th and all about sustainability and will introduce a bit the Startup Weekend about Sustainability. From the event’s FB page: "WHY YOU SHOULD JOIN: RECRUITMENT: (…)

Beautiful Pure Waste

Nanso, the famous Finnish textile brand created in 1921 in Nokia, is now launching a new collection in cooperation with Pure Waste. It’s a collection of recycled fabrics that combine responsibility and Finnish design. It’s only 8 items to start, but it’s a start that should be encouraged... (…)

Kurki: why eco-villages are so important

We are lucky in Tampere, we have a beautiful eco-village only 45min drive accessible to learn tons of things. And for those who want to travel without polluting, the bus 55 is taking you there. I’ve been there with family and friends a couple of times. The place is called Kurki and it’s (…)

0 waste week

This week, from Sept. 9th to Sept. 15the, it is 0 waste campaign. Check out these strong statements: "In Finland only, household food waste is 120-160 million kilograms, 20-25 kilograms per person. The amount of food waste in households corresponds to the annual emissions of 100,000 private (…)

Beauty and well-being

In a few years, organic products have become more mainstream and can be found in many places like Sokos, Stockman, Prisma... Make sure to check well the compositions of the products and remember that "natural" doesn’t necessarily means "organic". All these cosmetics are imported from France, (…)

Fista’s canteen is boosting vegetarian options

The Finnish International School of Tampere’s canteen is now boosting vegetarian meals and that’s great! This school located in Amuri "has been chosen for a pilot where vegetarian food is offered as a second lunch option to all students every day. Students can choose which food to eat each (…)

3d Sustainable Fellow’s lunch

Welcome to join the 3d Sustainable Fellow’s lunch! We are having lunch together to share about our experience with sustainable challenges, create inspirational networking, and maybe explore ways of future cooperation. We mainly focus on our work with sustainable challenges and try to get (…)

Infinited Fiber: an amazing company

Infinited Fiber is tackling the recycling clothes challenge. The technology can "turn textile, cardboard and agricultural waste into new and better cotton. The brand-new fiber can be circulated infinite times while preserving 100 % quality". Their new plant in Valkeakoski is now building up. (…)

Visiting Kurki ecovillage

Today, with Janna from Changemakers, we went to visit the Kurki eco-village. It’s close to Vesilahti, 45min drive from Tampere (we got slighlty lost) or direct bus n°55. During all Summer, each Saturday between 11am and 14pm they have a Summer Café where you can sip a nice coffee with organic (…)

Nice tips from Visit Tampere’s team

Tampere is known as a city of hard work and very social past (social in the sense of cooperative and orientated towards the well-being of all). It’s also a city where lots of Finns would love to live because it’s not too big, not too small, quiet, exciting and surrounded by nature. I’d love (…)

Startup Weekend: Sustainability

For those willing to address some of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals through their new business idea, for those willing to have impact, check out this coming event organized at Tribe Tampere on September, 20-22nd. "Do you have an idea that addresses one of the Sustainable (…)

Sustainable Fashion Finnish Brands

Arela was created in 2006 by Maija Arela who’s till running it with her two daughters. They "use only the best natural materials and pride ourselves on the durability of our garments. Collections are produced in skilled hands of trusted professionals in Nepal, Latvia, China and Finland." Globe (…)

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