Sustainable infos, tips, people and addresses
in Tampere and Pirkanmaa region.
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Shared gardens in Tampere
Thanks a lot to Tatjana Blum for bringing all this info together!! Urban communal gardening is a great way to grow food locally 🌱 while living in a city! You can explore and learn about e.g. what varieties of veggies 🍅🥒🌶 there are, how to cultivate them and the soil they grow in and what’s (…)

Urban gardening at Hiedanranta Edible Park
Hiedanranta Edible Park hosts open and free garden events from May to October, where the park’s vegetable garden is cultivated. At the events, useful plants are sown and planted, vegetable land is managed and the crop is harvested in the autumn. In order for the crops to grow to harvest (…)

Ekothon: we’re part of the solution
The Pirkanmaa region is organizing an Ekothon in October and if you’re interested you’d better register by Sept. 18th (limited spots). What’s an Ekothon? It’s an "online collaborative hackthon-type event to steer Pirkanmaa towards ecological and social transition. The event is open to (…)

Permaculture day in Vesilahti
Permaculture is "a holistic approach to systems design, grounded in three ethic principles (care for the land, care for people, and fair share), based on mimicking natural systems.*" In this approach, energy resources and human intervention are limited as much as possible. The word (…)

Wasteland or human biodiversity
If you’re an emigrant here in Tampere coming from South Europe, Middle East, Asia, Africa, South America, Canada, USA, well any place except Switzerland and Scandinavia (with all respect), I’m sure you are sensitive to the uniformity of the urban space. Compared to other small - medium - biiig (…)

Introduction to beekeeping
Beekeeping is both fascinating and challenging: working with bees and producing honey require diverse knowledge and skills. Welcome to learn, how beekeeping can be started, how one can succeed in it and in which ways it is possible to fail. Teachers Pieta and Immo Hyvärinen are small-scale (…)

Kurki: why eco-villages are so important
We are lucky in Tampere, we have a beautiful eco-village only 45min drive accessible to learn tons of things. And for those who want to travel without polluting, the bus 55 is taking you there. I’ve been there with family and friends a couple of times. The place is called Kurki and it’s (…)

Visiting Kurki ecovillage
Today, with Janna from Changemakers, we went to visit the Kurki eco-village. It’s close to Vesilahti, 45min drive from Tampere (we got slighlty lost) or direct bus n°55. During all Summer, each Saturday between 11am and 14pm they have a Summer Café where you can sip a nice coffee with organic (…)