Hiedanranta Edible Park hosts open and free garden events from May to October, where the park’s vegetable garden is cultivated. At the events, useful plants are sown and planted, vegetable land is managed and the crop is harvested in the autumn. In order for the crops to grow to harvest maturity, the crop is ONLY distributed at the harvest events, to those present at the time.
We start the growing season on Monday 3.5. at 5 p.m. We cultivate the arable lands and fertilize them according to the needs of each plant species.
Welcome the whole family! Events are free and open to everyone, no pre-registration. We will gather in the vegetable garden on Mondays at 5 pm and on Thursdays at 4.30 pm in Hiedanranta, in the area of the Edible Park. The address is Tehdaskartanonkatu 38. You can easily get there by bike or bus from Paasikiventie to the Hiedanranta stop.
You can park your car in the parking lot of Lielahti Manor and walk to the park.
Note: weather reservation! The latest information about the events can be found on our website Facebook @hiedanrannansyotavapuisto and Instagram @hiedanrannansyotavapuisto
In accordance with the prevailing interest rate restrictions, we accept a maximum of 9 people in the order of arrival. Dress according to the weather and bring your own gloves. We reserve the right to make changes. The events are offered by Hiedanrannan Kehitys Oy and implemented by Pirkanmaan Martat.