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Where can we find local organic food in Tampere? (updated)

This article presents my research about the followings: – Where can we buy fresh organic and / or local food in Tampere – Joining an existing group / piiri to buy organic food in Tampere – Buying in bulk online – Labels, agencies – More... restaurants selection... reduce food waste... (…)

A great opportunity to directly support cultural diversity in the region

By supporting the alternative cultural and social center Tehdas 108 who’s now forced to move out, you have a great opportunity to contribute directly to the relocation of this great project in a new place. What is Tehdas 108? Well, in 2012, a group of professionals from arts, culture and (…)

Welcome to Ekothon 2!

Ekothon is meant for everyone! We particularly encourage people interested in sustainable development and working across disciplines and sectors in society. Maybe you have some of the skills/experience needed by the projects (see project descriptions), or maybe you are an innovative and (…)

Special foodies - Fujimi ravintola - Tampere amazing restaurants series (2)

Wonderful sushi and vegetarian options here! Because well, sometimes I wonder if Tampere is an annex of Japan. It’s still a medium size city but there are so many sushi places. Every 500m, bam, sushi. And almost all supermarkets have now a sushi bar. So, problem? Yeah, problem. These sushi are (…)

Transformation festival at Tehdas 108

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Pizza perjantai

It’s time for pizza and early birds get a nice discount 🙂 Check 456 Degrees FB page on regular basis. If you’re new to Tampere, Peter’s shiny trailer is often in Tahmela, at the market place and his pizzas are delicious. He’s using : ✔️ Homemade organic dough from Finnish flour ✔️ Organic (…)

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