Sustainable infos, tips, people and addresses
in Tampere and Pirkanmaa region.
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Where can we find local organic food in Tampere? (updated)
This article presents my research about the followings: – Where can we buy fresh organic and / or local food in Tampere – Joining an existing group / piiri to buy organic food in Tampere – Buying in bulk online – Labels, agencies – More... restaurants selection... reduce food waste... (…)

Special foodies - Fujimi ravintola - Tampere amazing restaurants series (2)
Wonderful sushi and vegetarian options here! Because well, sometimes I wonder if Tampere is an annex of Japan. It’s still a medium size city but there are so many sushi places. Every 500m, bam, sushi. And almost all supermarkets have now a sushi bar. So, problem? Yeah, problem. These sushi are (…)

Pizza perjantai
It’s time for pizza and early birds get a nice discount 🙂 Check 456 Degrees FB page on regular basis. If you’re new to Tampere, Peter’s shiny trailer is often in Tahmela, at the market place and his pizzas are delicious. He’s using : ✔️ Homemade organic dough from Finnish flour ✔️ Organic (…)

Special foodies - Kajo ravintola - Tampere amazing restaurants series (1)
There is a place in Tampere that is much more than what it seems and it’s all about local and sustainable food. I thought it was one of those fancy places, you know, coldly elegant. I thought it was inspired by hype Helsinki’s vibe - with all respect. But hey, I’m exploring new stuff in my (…)

Good organic bread in town
I love good bread, don’t you? Maybe it’s my French side. Or my Italian one. Whatever, I love good bread. But finding good organic bread in Tampere has been mission impossible since a little while. By good I mean: crispy but soft at the same time, with different options, and that can stay in (…)

Wild Food Culinary Foraging Adventure
Would you like to be able to recognise edible plants and wild vegetables in natural forest environment, reconnect to nature, follow a more ecological lifestyle, or learn how to use or prepare meals with wild plants? Then you are in the right place! Fb page to follow their events in Tahmela and (…)

Wild&Cuisine - a Dodo (yummy) project
The aim of the Wild&Cuisine project is to revive the old Finnish and European cultural heritage and to make people love free edible wild plants in their vicinity. It teaches the use of these ubiquitous edible wild plants while increasing people’s well-being, survival skills and respect for (…)

Urban Dinner goes Tampere
Dodo’s association is organizing a tour of events related to food waste in the autumn. Urban farming and food waste dinners will take place even before that! Come along and share your ideas. We have planned cooperation e.g. to the directions of Nekala, Kaukajärvi and Hiedanranta. Dodo could be (…)

Organic food: Tampiiri meeting
On Saturday Aug 29th, the students association Tampiiri is offering you to meet at the beautiful Kurki Ecovillagein Vesilahti between 11 and 14. The place is accessible with bus 55 from Keskustori, Tampere. As you may know Tampiiri is a great association meant to promote organic food at (…)

Foodies, this one is for you!
Tired of tasteless veggies imported from all over the world? Of course. The Finnish summer is there to reload us, especially at Tammelantori market where Rekola’s farmer is selling super tasty veggies every Friday and Saturdays, 9-13. It’s fresh, organic and even biodynamic. And you wish to (…)

He’s back :)
As an (half) Italian emigrate here in Tampere, you have to chose when it comes to pizzeria: or go rogue and forget even the tiniest memory of what a good pizza tastes like and go with the flow, eat over fat, over greasy, over everything crap presented as "pizza" (including ananas/makkara (…)

Pop up pizza’s
Pete is back and he’s having a pop-up pizzeria on Friday 13th on Irjalankatu 7, FI-33560 Tampere, between 15:00 and 21:00. The Margarita is on the menu!! Want to know more about Peter? Read here.

A bit more organic food?
You are very welcome to join Tampiiri ry!! This association exists since 20 years and counts 150 members. Its first mission is to make organic food accessible to students but since a few years it is open to all. Through Tampiiri, it has been possible to order organic local food monthly or (…)

The Vegan Challenge Tour arrives in Tampere!
Are you a meat-fish-cheese-eggs eater and you understand that it’s enough and you could eat more veggies? Are you already slowing down with animals food but willing to find more inspiration because soya taste always like cupboard to you? Are you curious to see what’s really possible on a (…)

Sustainable lunch at TAMK: continuing launching the Sustainability and Impact Club
I’m very happy to announce that the sustainable lunch is evolving and continuing next week at the University campus in town. Last week, Tampere Universities community welcomed a first lunch at Y-Kampus / TAMK with the support of the Continuous Learning dpt. But since students come and go, it’s (…)

Tampiiri Ry’s annual meeting
Tampiiri Ry is this amazing community based food circle created a few decades ago at Tampere university to make organic food accessible to all. The annual membership is 5€ and through them you can get nice local veggies and discount on a bit eco-products retailer (read more here). The (…)

Sustainable lunch at TAMK: launching the Sustainability and Impact Club
I’m SO happy to announce that the 4th sustainable lunch is happening on Nov 27th at Y-Kampus in Tampere University / TAMK campus (the one right in front of Tays, entrance on Kuntokatu 3). Come to discuss climate change solutions with positive energy!! We’ll also share delicious veggie food (…)

Meet the Good Guys in Tampere
I’m sure you have noticed that Kombucha beverages are very trendy... why that? Kombucha is a bacteria that has been used for thousands of years in all Asia and Russia. It is known for supporting good gut health, which is our "second brain". It’s mixed with flavoured teas or water to create (…)

Community Supported Agriculture... what’s that?
CSA means Community Supported Agriculture. As you know, a farmer’s harvest depends on the weather. Not only but mostly. And it has always been hard for farmers to anticipate the quality of harvest, and the amount of clients.CSA was created to mitigate the risks for farmers. I have found here a (…)

Starting an organic and local food group in 2020
Rekola organic farm is ready to deliver organic biodynamic vegetables weekly when we are enough people interested We were not enough to start in Autumn 2019 but if we’re enough, it could start in July 2020 with a delivery point in Tampere. This delivery point could be Tribe, close to Torni (…)

Pete’s organic pizza’s
Take a cool guy (must be a great cook though). Add a converted vintage horse trailer. Name it "Raffaele" – the trailer, not the cook. Use as much as local and organic ingredients. Heat up to 456° degrees. And you have... Pete and his amazing pizza’s! Pete created 456 degrees in (…)

Fista’s canteen is boosting vegetarian options
The Finnish International School of Tampere’s canteen is now boosting vegetarian meals and that’s great! This school located in Amuri "has been chosen for a pilot where vegetarian food is offered as a second lunch option to all students every day. Students can choose which food to eat each (…)

3d Sustainable Fellow’s lunch
Welcome to join the 3d Sustainable Fellow’s lunch! We are having lunch together to share about our experience with sustainable challenges, create inspirational networking, and maybe explore ways of future cooperation. We mainly focus on our work with sustainable challenges and try to get (…)

Back from the market
Back from the market. Just an example of a good organic harvest :-) Weekly veggies for a family of 5. There is a lot, it will last 10 days. 2 thym - 1 parsley - 1kg tomatoes - 2kg potatoes - 1 bunch of carrots - 2 salads - 6 zucchini’s - 6 oignons - 2 garlic - 2 leeks - 500g green beans - 1/2 (…)

2d Sustainable Fellow’s lunch
We were 7 for the 1st sustainable and inspirational lunch and we had a great time! The food was not really the focus :-) but for the 2d one, we’re meeting at delicious Gopal, in Tammela. Some of us are new with sustainability and some of us are not, but we all agreed that it’s vital for us to (…)