Sustainable infos, tips, people and addresses
in Tampere and Pirkanmaa region.
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Eco-Impact Events: All responsible? What we can do.
Citizens, associations, institutions, we are all in the same boat, aren’t we? So let’s talk about it! The ongoing climate change crisis takes multiple forms and challenges all of us differently. Many people in Tampere and the region are already taking action. This event is meant to meet (…)

Urban gardening at Hiedanranta Edible Park
Hiedanranta Edible Park hosts open and free garden events from May to October, where the park’s vegetable garden is cultivated. At the events, useful plants are sown and planted, vegetable land is managed and the crop is harvested in the autumn. In order for the crops to grow to harvest (…)

Taking the green entrepreneurship path
Have you ever wondered what social entrepreneurship looks like? Have you ever thought about going through the path of a social entrepreneur? Join this webinar to hear from inspiring stories of entrepreneurs from the Baltic Sea region! Youth movements are usually seen as being “enemies” of the (…)

Urban Dinner goes Tampere
Dodo’s association is organizing a tour of events related to food waste in the autumn. Urban farming and food waste dinners will take place even before that! Come along and share your ideas. We have planned cooperation e.g. to the directions of Nekala, Kaukajärvi and Hiedanranta. Dodo could be (…)

Animal rights in a sustainable society
The next Leadership for Change Lecture takes place on Monday 26 April at 16–18! Mai Kivelä, Member of Parliament (Left Alliance) and former Executive Director of Animalia, will deliver a lecture titled ’Animal rights in a sustainable society’ as the last LFC Lecture of this spring semester. (…)

Sustainability Meme Festival
Complex Ry, HUBS, and Youth4Nature invite you to participate with us in the Sustainability Meme Festival throughout April. The idea is to promote sustainability in a cultural way that encourages inclusion and engagement by a diversity of voices. They encourage the creation of sustainability (…)

Regenerative Solutions
As part of their Sustainability Month, Complex Ry, a TAMK students association, is pleased to invite you on April 20th from 19 - 21 pm (EEST, UTC +3) to Regenerative Solutions with founder and CEO of Regenerative Systems, Rohan Guyot-Sutherland. In this event, Rohan will discuss Regenerative (…)

Cities and Circular Economy
"Cities are the beating hearts of the global economy, home to more than half of the world’s population, and central spots of creative and innovative growth. All of which make cities perfect locations to kickstart, spread, and globalise the Circular Economy concept. Who can lead the transition (…)

It’s all in Finnish but it sounds super interesting if you can follow! This month, Professor Arto O. Salonen will share his vision of the future and we’ll learn more about the sharing economy solutions that have been tried in the DISTRIBUTORS project. What factors are key to the transition (…)

Tampere In2Food
Today is the launch of Tampere In2Food, Resolving a Societal Challenge: Interdisciplinary Approach Towards Fostering Collaborative Innovation in Food Waste Management. In collaboration with European and Indonesian actors, the project will create and develop interdisciplinary courses, research (…)

3rd International Forum on CSR, Sustainability and Circular Economy “Sustainable Business and Education –Now!"
"The beginning of 2020ies calls for changes in global economy and education. COVID-19, especially, poses pressure in re-thinking ways of education, sustainable economy and our impact in society. Higher education institutions have crucial role in educating change makers and new leaders. In this (…)

Impact Boost Conversation
Hello Sustainability friends! If you don’t know them yet, the Oxygen2050 network is a group of inspiring impact and eco entrepreneurs based in Helsinki. It’s a great network and I warmly invite you to explore their site and FB events. As an impact entrepreneur myself, I’m happy to support (…)

Make your natural skincare
Hey everyone, Still looking for a special Christmas present? Rahel wants to invite you to join Ruska Skincare’s Christmasworkshop. With her, you will create 5-10 little skincare treats for your loved ones. ✨ Tickets and more information: (…)

Eco-Feminism at the University
It’s happening in Tampere!! "Join us for the first two-day Ecofeminism and Education Online Conference. The ECOFE2020 conference and a meditation retreat organised after the conference are an unparalleled collaborative endeavour of brilliant speakers, art, science, hope, activism and (…)

Mushrooms picking - 45 min from Tampere
Have you noticed? Mushrooms are everywhere... If you haven’t learn yet how to identify the good yummy ones from the poisonous ones, Stefano Ferrari can teach you. Italian, environmental engineer, Stefano grew up in the Italian Alps and moved to Finland to live in the Kurki_ecovillage, in (…)

Tampere Region Climate Partnership
This afternoon it’s the launch of the Tampere Region Climate Partnership! The Deputy Mayor, Aleksi Jäntti, and the Development Manager, Laura Inha, Smart Tampere / Sustainable Tampere 2030, and Pirkko Eteläaho, Project Manager, Business Tampere will present the vision for Tampere. Other (…)

Leadership symposium
Johto Ry is organizing the 9th edition of the "Johtajuussymposium" (or Leadership symposium). During 1 day, you can access 10 seminars (some in English). This year everything is about sustainable development and various companies, enterprises, student associations and a few organizations are (…)

Tammelantori Environmental Market
This year, the Tammelantori Environmental Market welcome you to enjoy the warm atmosphere of the Environmental Market with live music. It’s a friendly event and a cool opportunity to meet like minded people. The live music is happening at 16:00. There is also a second hand market and you (…)

Organic food: Tampiiri meeting
On Saturday Aug 29th, the students association Tampiiri is offering you to meet at the beautiful Kurki Ecovillagein Vesilahti between 11 and 14. The place is accessible with bus 55 from Keskustori, Tampere. As you may know Tampiiri is a great association meant to promote organic food at (…)

Harvest brunch
Kurpitsatalo is a community café in Tahmela area, surrounded by gorgeous community gardens. Every year they organize a beautiful harvest party but because of the covid-19 risks, this Sunday 23d of August it’s a "harvest brunch", from 1 to 6pm. The price for food goes between 3€ and 12€ for a (…)

Ekothon: we’re part of the solution
The Pirkanmaa region is organizing an Ekothon in October and if you’re interested you’d better register by Sept. 18th (limited spots). What’s an Ekothon? It’s an "online collaborative hackthon-type event to steer Pirkanmaa towards ecological and social transition. The event is open to (…)

What about food waste?
What new ideas, actions and tools have been developed to reduce food waste? How is the goal of halving the loss progressing? How could different actors in the food chain support households in reducing waste? A joint annual waste seminar for the entire food chain answers these questions, among (…)

Better together (for sure)
On Sept. 4th, Oxygen 2050, an association of transformative entrepreneurs based in Helsinki, is organizing an event for us to learn the 3 must elements of building an active community. The speaker is Lana Jelenjev – the co-author of Community Builder: Designing Communities for Change, a (…)

Permaculture day in Vesilahti
Permaculture is "a holistic approach to systems design, grounded in three ethic principles (care for the land, care for people, and fair share), based on mimicking natural systems.*" In this approach, energy resources and human intervention are limited as much as possible. The word (…)

Foodies, this one is for you!
Tired of tasteless veggies imported from all over the world? Of course. The Finnish summer is there to reload us, especially at Tammelantori market where Rekola’s farmer is selling super tasty veggies every Friday and Saturdays, 9-13. It’s fresh, organic and even biodynamic. And you wish to (…)