Sustainable infos, tips, people and addresses
in Tampere and Pirkanmaa region.
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A great opportunity to directly support cultural diversity in the region
By supporting the alternative cultural and social center Tehdas 108 who’s now forced to move out, you have a great opportunity to contribute directly to the relocation of this great project in a new place. What is Tehdas 108? Well, in 2012, a group of professionals from arts, culture and (…)

Welcome to Ekothon 2!
Ekothon is meant for everyone! We particularly encourage people interested in sustainable development and working across disciplines and sectors in society. Maybe you have some of the skills/experience needed by the projects (see project descriptions), or maybe you are an innovative and (…)

Transformation festival at Tehdas 108
Tehdas 108 it’s almost a decade of art, creativity, peace & love building. Sounds beautiful, isn’t? Sounds a little bit 70’s, don’t you think? And why not? I mean, we - as human species - have tried destruction, critic, pride, individualism, envy, anger, domination, coldness, robots, (…)

Papu Warehouse Pop Up in Nokia
Papu is a nice Finnish brand creating sustainable fashion. In this pop up event you’ll find novelties and classics, model pieces, 2-quality products and the latest songs from previous collections at an affordable price. The pop up is happening this Friday (12-19) and Saturday (10-16) in Nokia (…)

Meeting with Alexandra Santos, a change agent in the start-up eco-system
Alexandra is based in Finland since 15 years. She’s coming from Portugal and she had to make her way here! First involved with Tribe, a great community space for startups that was really missing in town when it was created, she then co-founded Stream Festival. It was a non-profit event (…)

Meeting with eco-village co-founders: Satu & Jarkko Mattila
Satu and Jarko Mattila are change agents of the Pirkanmaa region. Together with others, they have created an eco-village where about 30 people live permanently. When you start something like that, you obviously enter a fascinating journey because everything is going to be questioned. It’s a (…)

Eco-Impact event: Natural lifestyle
In Finland, the cottage lifestyle is a beautiful connection with simplicity and nature. It may not be that familiar to foreigners so during this evening we will address that. We’ll also have tips to behave more consciously when we are at the mökki and also learn from community living in (…)

Mushrooms picking - 45 min from Tampere
Have you noticed? Mushrooms are everywhere... If you haven’t learn yet how to identify the good yummy ones from the poisonous ones, Stefano Ferrari can teach you. Italian, environmental engineer, Stefano grew up in the Italian Alps and moved to Finland to live in the Kurki_ecovillage, in (…)

Ekothon: we’re part of the solution
The Pirkanmaa region is organizing an Ekothon in October and if you’re interested you’d better register by Sept. 18th (limited spots). What’s an Ekothon? It’s an "online collaborative hackthon-type event to steer Pirkanmaa towards ecological and social transition. The event is open to (…)

Permaculture day in Vesilahti
Permaculture is "a holistic approach to systems design, grounded in three ethic principles (care for the land, care for people, and fair share), based on mimicking natural systems.*" In this approach, energy resources and human intervention are limited as much as possible. The word (…)

A carbon neutral solar sauna, 100kg of bread and an eco-village
Solar Fire Concentration is an engineering company created in Tampere in 2012, doing solar thermal development through humanitarian projects with After years of development, 3 great events happened since the beginning of 2020 and it’s worth sharing here as these last 6 months have (…)

Nature lovers, how will you be heard in 2020?
The Luonto-Liiton Hämeen piiri (Finnish Wildlife Association) is one of the most important environmental protection association. They are having their meeting to define strategies and actions next week. Anybody can attend, member or not. Coffee and Tea will be served. It’s on January 7th, (…)

Local and ecological actions: are you joining?
The Kurki eco-village is opening its association to new members. Would you like to join and co-create inspiring activities with the resources of the place? So far, the village has organized volunteering projects with Erasmus and a summer café but they would like to do more workshops and local (…)

Forest immersion - 25 min from Tampere
If you’re willing to relax in the forest and learn more about natural food, this event is for you. It’s on Oct 5th and it all starts at 9:15 am and it’s all about identifying boletus and chanterelles, and also learning how to cook and conserve same during winter time. After a light snack with (…)

Community Supported Agriculture... what’s that?
CSA means Community Supported Agriculture. As you know, a farmer’s harvest depends on the weather. Not only but mostly. And it has always been hard for farmers to anticipate the quality of harvest, and the amount of clients.CSA was created to mitigate the risks for farmers. I have found here a (…)

Hinku... what’s that?
The city of Ylöjärvi is joining the Hinku network. Citizens are welcome to join, understand what Hinku is and share their ideas. Hinku is an umbrella name for carbon neutral cities where public servants, industries, experts and people are working towards CO2 reduction. These cities are (…)

Papu: peek and pop up
In Nokia, this week Papu has a Pop Up shop open this week on Friday Sept 20th, 12-19, and Saturday Sept. 21th, klo 10-16. The address is Pirkkalaistori 1. Old models, super discount and great garments to find! Papu is a Finnish organic clothing brand. They are sharing openly about their (…)

Kurki: why eco-villages are so important
We are lucky in Tampere, we have a beautiful eco-village only 45min drive accessible to learn tons of things. And for those who want to travel without polluting, the bus 55 is taking you there. I’ve been there with family and friends a couple of times. The place is called Kurki and it’s (…)

Infinited Fiber: an amazing company
Infinited Fiber is tackling the recycling clothes challenge. The technology can "turn textile, cardboard and agricultural waste into new and better cotton. The brand-new fiber can be circulated infinite times while preserving 100 % quality". Their new plant in Valkeakoski is now building up. (…)

Visiting Kurki ecovillage
Today, with Janna from Changemakers, we went to visit the Kurki eco-village. It’s close to Vesilahti, 45min drive from Tampere (we got slighlty lost) or direct bus n°55. During all Summer, each Saturday between 11am and 14pm they have a Summer Café where you can sip a nice coffee with organic (…)